Tel.: +7 3822 413–471
Postal address: TUSUR, 40 Lenina prospect, Tomsk, 634050
Location: room 235, 47 Vershinina street, Tomsk
About the Faculty
The Faculty of Radio Engineering offers the following majors: radio engineering, telecommunications, data protection and crisis management. There are six departments which provide training of special ists in the up-to-date fields of radioelectronics and information technology. The Faculty employs six full and corresponding members of Russian academies, two honoured workers of science and technology, 11 doctors of science, 70 candidates of science. Faculty and staff organize research trips to various Russian regions and abroad. Any capable student can proceed with postgraduate studies and become part of the faculty and staff upon their successful completion.
Opportunities of our alumni are constantly expanding. International cooperation plays an important role in this process. Starting from the second year, a student can choose a department to be given an individual plan of research and pave the way for his or her future career. Thereafter a capable student can enter a postgraduate program which often involves working or undergoing internship overseas. For instance, it is quite possible for students of the Radio Engineering Faculty to prepare their graduate papers in Lausanne (Switzerland) or in Nuremberg (Germany). The Faculty also cooperates with Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands.
However, life at this Faculty is not reduced to curriculum. It is full of events: sporting contests, faculty and departmental anniversaries, student initiation and the most important festival of all radio engineers – the Day of Radio, which includes a great procession across the city, accompanied by an orchestra, with people shouting slogans and holding posters, and the tradition to throw televisions out of the ninth-floor windows of the student dormitory. Nowadays it is not just an intra-faculty festivity, but an all-university tradition and a large-scale Tomsk event.
The Faculty comprises two research institutes, 15 laboratories, and two test sites. There is also an educational, scientific and production center, comprising research and production enterprise «Micran», departments of the Faculty, as well as student design offices: «Ecran», «Mayak», «Volna», and «Photon».
Departments of the Radio Engineering Faculty:
Dean: Ksenia Y. Popova, associate professor