On September 6, students of TUSUR and Ritsumeikan University met in the Student Business Incubator to play a business simulation game and get a new perspective on their projects.
A total of five teams joined the game. Each team had to develop a business model for one project of their choice.
The teams had one hour to come up with a business idea and make a presentation that would be evaluated by the panel of judges. During that hour the teams have created many brilliant and viable business ideas capable of addressing the needs of potential customers. The business simulation game was not only about solving a case, but also about organizing teamwork.
Each team had 3 minutes to present its project and tell the judges about its business model. Each judge had play money, 300$ per person, that they could “invest” in the project they liked the most. The team attracting the biggest “investment” would be the winner.
The judges commented that the projects were unique and original. They were particularly amazed by the difference in approaches instinctively taken by the Russian and Japanese students. TUSUR students focused on making their projects visually memorable and appealing, while the Ristumeikan University students made sure their projects were well-grounded in terms of technology.