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TUSUR and Otto Von Guericke University To Conduct Joint Research in Radio Photonics and Microwave Systems for Medical Devices

November 28, 2019

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics and Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany) have agreed to conduct joint research and implement academic programs in radio photonics and microwave systems for medical devices.

In November, a delegation of TUSUR University consisting of Rector Victor Rulevskiy, Director of Research Institute of Microelectronic Systems Leonid Babak, Expert of TUSUR Division of International Cooperation Maria Afanasyeva visited Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany).

The delegation held a meeting with the leadership of the Magdeburg university where they presented the most advanced developments of TUSUR and identified the key areas for inter-university cooperation. In addition, TUSUR representatives visited laboratories and learned about the advanced research carried out by their new German partner. At the meeting in the Magdeburg city hall, the delegation participated in a discussion of university integration in the urban environment and the various aspects of university city development.

TUSUR University and Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg have agreed to develop a dual degree Master program in microelectronics, as wells as joint R&D projects in microwave systems, radio photonics for medical and other devices.

The two universities are currently drafting a Cooperation Agreement that is expected to be signed in early 2020.

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