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TUSUR co-organized the 9th Triple Helix International conference

July 21, 2011

The 9th Triple Helix International Conference «Silicon Valley: Global Model or Unique Anomaly?» took place on 11 — 14 July in Silicon Valley, the world leading innovation and high-tech hub, and was organized by Stanford University Human Sciences and Technology Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR) and TUSUR.

Every year this event convokes the most prominent scientists from all over the world in order to discuss different issues related to Triple Helix interactions of government, universitiy and business for innovative development.

«The workshop Converting Resources into Innovation Development: The Russian Challenge?, organized by TUSUR, was dedicated to the applicability of Triple Helix model to Russian reality.

Representatives of TUSUR Institute for Innovation participated in 7 workshops and presented 12 papers reflecting TUSUR experience as entrepreneurial university and research achievements in Innovations.

During their stay in Silicon Valley, TUSUR delegates reached important agreements with H-STAR Institute of Stanford University and University of California Berkeley Hass Business School related to mutual academic mobility development in «technology entrepreneurship» and «innovation network development».

The first group of five TUSUR professors will go to Berkeley in October for 2011 Global Entrepreneurship Leadership Symposium.

  • TUSUR co-organized the 9th Triple Helix International conference

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