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TUSUR partners the celebration of the first “Tomsk Citizen's Day”

September 14, 2015

September 12, 2015 Tomsk citizens admired the 3D video-mapping show called “The City and its People” sponsored by TUSUR University. The image of more than 3000 m2 was mapped at the TUSUR main building to tell the 410-year history of the city of Tomsk and its prominent dwellers.

- We are proud and pleased to be the first to offer this amazing performance to our students, friends and neighbors, this is the biggest video-mapping show in Siberia and Far East. The entrepreneurial spirit of our University pushes us to explore the new horizons and the IT and Image technologies are also a part of our passion that we would like to share with Tomsk citizens,- commented TUSUR Rector Prof. Alexander Shelupanov, in his interview.

The entire University were involved in the celebration. TUSUR Robotics Labs presented a show where the humanoid robots were dancing, playing foot-ball, acting as teachers or instructors. TUSUR students took part at the dancing flash-mob. TUSUR dancing team performed the dedicated gala concert.


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