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TUSUR pilot is among winners of the competition in China

June 10, 2009

Ivan Kravtsov, the leader of the TUSUR paragliding club «Podnebesye» became third in the pre-World Cup.

The pre-World Cup took place in Lingzhou (China) from the May 28 till June 3. As a result of the three-day competition, Ivan Kravtsov succeeded in winning the third place. «Organization of the pre-World Cup was on the top level! — shared his impressions Ivan. — Extraordinary flying conditions, unusual mountains…»

The first and the second places in the pre-World Cup were taken by athletes from Korea. Russian team became third.

92 athletes from China, Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, France, Switzerland and Vietnam took part in the pre-World Cup.

News source and photo: Ivan Kravtsov, leader of the TUSUR paragliding club «Podnebesye»

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