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TUSUR Researchers Victorious at UMNIK Competition with Intelligent Developments for Microelectronics, Petroleum Industry and Airports

January 28, 2019

Representatives of TUSUR have made the list of winners in the 2018 UMNIK competition held by the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation.


The winning projects representing TUSUR were:

  • Dmitry Bilevich: commercial CAD plug-in for automated nonlinear modeling of microwave GaAs transistors based on an intelligent extraction algorithms,
  • Darya Torgaeva: intelligent control system for horsehead pumps for the petroleum industry,
  • Kirill Arzhanov: device for geophysical tool delivery to directional and horizontal wells based on a high-reliability valve electric drive
  • Alexander Kuzmin: automated bird control complex that delivers security of aviation by making use of directed radiation and computer vision

The Foundation will allocate a grant of 500,000 rubles to each project with a purpose of supporting young researchers and developers who drive their careers through innovation, and engaging young talent in engineering research, innovation and entrepreneurship for commercialization of research.

The winners of the 2018 UMNIK were announce at the 7th Research and Practice Conference for Students “Research and Practice: From Idea to Reality”, held at TUSUR University. A participant of the program since 2007, TUSUR has become a regular host to the UMNIK competition in Tomsk. As of today, out of 700 UMNIK winners in Tomsk more than 160 students and young researchers were representatives of TUSUR.

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