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TUSUR signed a partnership agreement with Leibniz University (Hannover)

October 23, 2009

TUSUR and the Institute of Materials Science at Leibniz University in Hannover agreed to strengthen their cooperation by organizing joint events in the fields of teaching and scientific research.

This agreement envisages student and faculty exchange, joint research projects, joint planning and organization of conferences and symposiums.

The primary task for immediate future is to develop cooperation between the universities in the field of electron-beam technology.

-We have a great mutual interest towards each other, — notes N. G. Rempe, TUSUR Vice-Rector for Research. — The Institute of Materials Science of Leibniz University carries out research on interaction of electron beams with different metals. Unique TUSUR equipment, such as electron sources with plasma emitters, allows simplifying units for the output of beams into the atmosphere.

Future joint R&D of Leibniz University and TUSUR are of great interest to German businessmen who deliver equipment and develop technologies of electron-beam metal welding at atmospheric pressure, because there are numerous applications for such equipment and technologies. For instance, they are applied in space and atomic industries, machine building, and ship building.

Electron sources with plasma emitters developed at TUSUR are widely applied in the Russian atomic industry. For instance, they are used to seal fuel elements at nuclear power stations. In summer of this year TUSUR R&D results were applied to seal workpieces for production of superconductive materials within the framework of the international program «International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor». The task of Russia in this program is to produce superconductive wires for electromagnets of thermonuclear reactors. The first stage of wire production, i.e. the sealing stage, is based on application of electron-beam guns developed by TUSUR.

In late October a representative of TUSUR will visit Hannover to develop a joint action program.

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