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Alexander Uvarov: «To get students overcome the fear of risks, we have to share them”
September 03, 2013

On September, 2, the III University Technology Dialogue started its work in TUSUR. The Dialogue was organized though the joint effort of TUSUR and Ritsumeikan University (Japan). The University Technology Dialogue is designed to facilitate cooperation at the level of ideas and concepts, being a platform where young researchers can present their developments and discuss the perspectives for development of both technology and education.

Project by TUSUR researchers to improve efficiency of heart surgeries
July 12, 2013

The project is developed by the joint effort of TUSUR, Siberian State Medical University and Research & Production Company Biotok.

TUSUR delegation takes part in XI Triple Helix International Conference 2013
July 10, 2013

The XI Triple Helix International Conference 2013 – “The conference will run for three days closing on July 10.

TUSUR team competes in RoboCup 2013
June 28, 2013

The team of the Robotics and AI Laboratory of 2I competes in the final of RoboCup 2013 in Eindhoven.

Gleb Dvoryadkin of 2I attended the Global Future 2045
June 27, 2013

The Global Future 2045 conference was part of preparation to the Cybersoccer World Cup 2018.

TUSUR joins the EU-Russia postgraduate program TEMPUS
June 19, 2013

The international conference «BRIDGE – Best Practices in EU-Russia University Collaboration» took place on June 3—6 in Lappeenranta (Finland), bringing together the universities of Russia and the EU.

Professor Shelupanov appeared at EFPI-2013
June 13, 2013

The 13th European Electronic Signature Forum (EFPE), the largest in Europe, took place in Poland this June and was dedicated to trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.

TUSUR team victorious in the CTF competition
June 05, 2013

 KEVA, a team representing Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, has finished first in the CTF competition in Novosibirsk, held as part of the international forum on practical information security Positive Hack Days.

2I Students complete the Marketing program at SUNY Empire State College
May 22, 2013

Six undergraduate students of the Faculty of Innovation Technologies of the TUSUR Institute for Innovation have completed a three-month training program at the Empire State College State University of New York.

Robotics Lab Students triumphs at Robocup Japan Open 2013
May 22, 2013

The student team of the Robotics and AI Laboratory of the TUSUR Institute for Innovation has finished first in the Simulation Soccer 3D League at Robocup Japan Open 2013.