China Education Expo 2013 was held in Beijing on November 2—3, bringing together a plethora of international universities to present their educational services.
On October 29 TUSUR Vice Rector for Innovative Development and International Affairs Alexander Uvarov participated in the fourth session of the Innovation Working Group of the U.S.—Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission and told its members about the long experience TUSUR has in cooperation with the countries of North America.
On October 21–22 TUSUR will host the 4th Social Work: Education and Practice conference. This year the international perspective will be brought in by the speakers from the University of Kent, UK.
According to Federal Law #203-FZ “On Amendment of Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” and of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation for Creation of Favorable Conditions for Education of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation” effective on July 23, 2013, full-time international students taking state-accredited degree programs at professional and higher education institutions are legally authorized to work subject to obtaining a work permit.
Seven of the freshmen started the Innovation program, seven more started the Electronics and Nanoelectronics, and one of the students joined the Mechatronics and Robotics program.
The last day of the conference was marked by scientific discussions but also the evaluations of the conference results.
A group of managers from Germany, the Netherlands, France and Japan have visited several Siberian regions, including Tomsk, as part of the program of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The delegation will be working in Tomsk till September 20.
On September 6, students of TUSUR and Ritsumeikan University met in the Student Business Incubator to play a business simulation game and get a new perspective on their projects.
The technologies of the future as routine – researchers from all over the world have come to Tomsk invited by TUSUR.
The second day of the Third University Technology Dialogue started with the keynote speech Tomasz Rutkowski, professor of the University of Tsukuba, on “Multi–sensory Brain Computer Interfaces”.